Let’s Get On With It

Resilience-Focused Coaching

What is it you want to do with this one wild and precious life?

Make the most of it, of course. Whatever that looks like to you. So let’s get on with it.

I’m Jo Hall, an executive coach based near London.

With more than 30 years’ experience in delivering transformational change within private and public organisations – including the NHS – I use science-backed concepts and a lifetime of experience to help individuals and teams develop their resilience and tackle their leadership challenges head-on.

Who can I help?

I can support anyone who wants to boost their personal and professional wellbeing by improving their relationships with themselves and the people around them.

I work with my clients on an individual basis, in group settings, or as part of a wider corporate development programme, and I offer plenty of online and face-to-face coaching options to suit everyone’s needs.

Why work with me?

I’m highly qualified

I’m passionate about furthering my own education and have completed a long list of relevant qualifications over the years, including an MSc in Organisational Consulting and Change and a Diploma in Positive Psychology Coaching.

What you see is what you get.

Showing up authentically is very important to me, as I’m sure it is to you. It’s the only way I can establish a genuine connection with my clients, which is so important when we’re dealing with topics that are complicated, sensitive, or just downright difficult.

I’ve got plenty of real-world experience behind me

As well as a slew of professional accreditations, I’ve spent more than three decades facilitating change within people, teams, and entire businesses. I’ve seen a lot, and I’ve been through quite a bit myself, too.

I won’t mince my words

Straightforward communication underpins my approach to executive coaching, and I gel best with individuals who appreciate my gentle directness. (And if you’re comfortable with a smattering of colourful language, I’m sure we’ll get on like a house on fire!)

I create a judgement-free zone

To feel empowered, you first need to feel safe. I’ll encourage you to share anything you like, however wacky or shocking you feel it may be, because we can only find a way forward if you’re willing to be 100% honest about what’s holding you back.

I know that change is hard

The journey to positive, long-lasting change is rarely easy – and the life-changing work we do together will be tough at times. I’ll move our sessions along at a pace that you’re comfortable with, but I will always push you a little harder when I feel the time is right. 

Trusted By

There is something quite special about the way that Jo can quickly but authentically develop a relationship and rapport with a group of people she may not have ever met before.
“Her approach to tackling those knotty and often complex issues is both challenging and supportive with a real focus on solutions. Her energy, creativity and drive does not overwhelm but encourages thinking and development, which I have seen groups and individuals respond to in a very positive and productive way on many occasions.
— Sam Hepplewhite, NHS South East London ICB

My executive coaching and consultancy services

The Thrive programme

I’m incredibly proud of Thrive. It’s a comprehensive 12-week personal development programme that’s designed to help us improve our habits, rewrite learned beliefs, and take full responsibility for our happiness in life and at work. If you’re serious about enhancing your resilience and grabbing back control of your future, this is the course for you.

One to one coaching

If you’re a business leader (or aspiring business leader) who is stuck in a rut and needs help to move on, you might benefit the most from my tailored one to one executive coaching service. I also work closely with business owners who want to address and prevent burnout in their teams by arranging regular coaching sessions with someone who understands their challenges first-hand. I can also deliver my Thrive programme in a one-to-one coaching format.


From designing and delivering team building days to co-writing degree programmes for universities, my consultancy work certainly takes me here, there, and everywhere! My skills lie in helping businesses move projects forward; implement change at all levels; and manage their internal and external relationships more effectively.

Let’s get on with it

Time waits for no-one! So, if you like what you’ve read and you’re interested in learning more about how I can support you with my unique coaching style, please get in touch.